Thursday, July 26, 2012


Who doesn't need more time in their day? My youngest of three children will be celebrating his first birthday next week. Which means, it's time to get back into blogging and hope I have a minute or two here and there to write down thoughts and book reviews.  I've continued to read for the Maud Hart Lovelace Award committee, and have now joined in to read for the newly made Star of the North Award, a MN choice award geared for readers aged 5 - 8 years old.

My next task: update my Maud Hart reads on Shelfari and start adding Star of the North reads to my Goodreads account. Also, continue unpacking/organizing (we moved) and plan a birthday party.

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About Me

I'm a children's librarian and mother of two preschoolers. On the side, I play soccer, bike, scrapbook, crochet, and read an obscene amount of children's books.